Gaming Portfolio Form
Fill out the form below with information about yourself that you would like for your viewers to know about you. The answers that you give will be on display on your portfolio.
You can upload up to 3 videos in your portfolio.
Scroll down to see an example of how your videos will appear on your portfolio
After submission send your videos & a profile picture of yourself to
Click here for more info on Cappin’ Out Portfolios
After submission send your videos & a profile picture of yourself to
Learn more about becoming an Affiliate here
Once accepted you will be sent a link where you can select your preferred option.
This is a one time payment
Portfolio Only = $9.99
Portfolio & IG Promo = $14.99
Portfolio, IG Promo & Google Ads = $14.99
Name of the gamer
Name of the game
Name of the gamer
Name of the game
Name of the gamer
Name of the game
Let us know a little more about you
This portion is completely optional. This is just to give viewers a little more insight on who you are as creator and more importantly as a person. Build a connection with the reader, you never know who you inspire! Some information here may be used in your About Me Bio.